Pentecost Sunday / Te Rā o te Petekoha
A simple family devotional resource:
You will need: candles, matches or a lighter, a Bible (CEV is good), The Jesus Storybook Bible (if you have one), paper, scissors, felt pens, crayons, red/orange/yellow paper, string.
To start: (for the brave and perhaps those with older children) find as many candles as you can in your house, gather them together and light them. Depending on numbers, you could arrange them in the shape of a flame, or a heart shape, all with appropriate safety measures in mind.
OR have a scavenger hunt and find things in your house coloured red or orange or yellow.
OR light a single candle, with appropriate safety measures in mind.
Or if you have one, sit around a brazier or fire pit (with marshmallows of course!)
Read: Acts 2:1-21, either from your Bible, or, or The Jesus Storybook Bible p326-333.
OR watch Saddleback Kids - Jesus’ Ascension
Or The Bible Project - Holy Spirit (suitable for slightly older children)
Wondering questions: (these need no answers, but accept all that is said in an encouraging way)
· I wonder which part of the story you like best?
· I wonder which part of the story is the most important?
· I wonder how the disciples were feeling at the start of the story?
· I wonder how they felt at the end?
· I wonder if you are in the story?
To do: choose one of these options
1. Cut out flame shapes and trace around with your finger while thinking about the words of the song ‘This Little Light of Mine’ OR This version
2. Cut out flame shapes, colour with red, orange and yellow, using felt pens or crayons. Talk about red things that make your angry or are annoying, orange you don’t really care about, yellow that brings you peace/joy/hope.
3. Make prayer flags or bunting using red, orange and yellow pieces of paper, or white paper coloured with felt pens, crayons, food colouring, homemade natural dyes …
Dear God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to be with us and to give us strength and power. We have the same Spirit in us today. Thank you for the good news that has gone out throughout the whole world for many hundreds and thousands of years. We have heard it, and believe it. Help us now to tell others. We ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.