Trinity Sunday / Te Rātapu o te Tokotoru


A simple family devotional resource.

You will need: pen and paper, pretzels (optional - not sticks, the ‘round’ ones), a Bible (CEV is good)

To start: write lists of or gather sets of three things that individually have a purpose on their own but also have a purpose together. For example knife + fork + spoon = cutlery, pizza base + tomato paste + cheese = margherita, milk + yoghurt + banana = smoothie.

OR Choose three children/people to stand together closely. What do you see? Whānau? Tamariki? Ask them to stand away from each other. Now what do you see? Individuals? Tamaiti?

OR write down all the names you can think of for God (eg shepherd, Father/Mother, comforter…)

Read: Matthew 28:16-20 from your Bible, or, try it in The Message for a change.

Watch this video on the Trinity from ‘What’s In the Bible’

Wondering questions: (these need no answers, but accept all that is said in an encouraging way)

·       I wonder which part of the story you like best?
·       I wonder which part of the story is the most important?
·       I wonder if you have any questions about the story?
·       I wonder if you are in the story?

To do: choose one of these options.

1. Make a banner that reads, ‘Go now in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’. Place this over your front door, on the inside, so you can see it as you leave the house
2. Make ice cream Sundaes with three flavours – three flavours but one ice cream
3. Make a pretzel:  If you cross your arms in front of you with hands on opposite shoulders, you make a pretzel shape. Historically these have been used as one way to explain the Trinity, the three holes each representing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You could eat some pretzels, or make the shapes with play dough. OR if you’re really keen, make some - recipe

Blessed Trinity, 
we know you as a community of love. 
Help us to become more like you,
creative, caring, life enriching people. 
For you are the glory and the power that is love, 
Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, 
one God forever and ever. Amen.