Peak Experiences
“It is noted above that students regard camps and retreats as often having great significance for how they think about life, more than religious education or social justice programs. In interviews, students have often spoke about how they appreciate getting out of the daily stream of activities, and how such occasions allow them to think more clearly and in a more focussed way about the issues of life.
‘Young People’s Understanding and Experience of God Literature Review’, 2019 (Australian report)
Can you think of a significant moment where you experienced God’s presence? It may have been a literal peak experience, on top of a mountain, or at a camp or event. These one-off moments can be hugely significant in our faith journey, and provide a point of reference for the rest of our lives.
We don’t make the tree grow, but we can prepare the soil. We don’t make the peak experience happen, but we can create the right environment.
At the bottom of this page you will find links to the many camps and activities that SUNZ offers. Make use of them! Send leaders and campers along and invite them to share with your church on their return.
Peak experiences can also occur in the midst of the difficult times, when we need God’s help or feel especially close to God during a time of crisis. How we help children and young people process these experiences is very important. This is where the role of a mentor can be good, or providing support to the family and whānau.
A great idea for creating a peak experience on a camp, complete with live sheep! - a great website, on which THRIVE is based. Full of good advice and practical tips. Here’s the link to the Peak Experiences page.
A great personal testimony from, about how Peak Experiences can cause faith to thrive!
Rites of Passage
A rite of passage is a moment in life that is marked by a community. It is sometimes described as a milestone or an anchor. Rites of passages are often peak experiences for children and young people. It may be baptism or first communion. It may be graduating high school. Acknowledging these moments as a church family is a good way to nurture the faith journey of a child, young person (or anyone of any age for that matter!).
Milestones as a Means to Empower and Equip Lives of Faith, Debbie Streicher - a short and practical PDF e-booklet, free to download.
Lifelong Pathways of Faith Formation - a helpful two page fact sheet, ideal for giving out to families. From Grow Ministries, Australia.
Growing up together: intergenerational rituals to mark rites of passage in the lives of children and young people. Free downloadable booklet. Australia.