Encounters with God

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“There’s never been a theoretical experience of Jesus. All that is an abstraction. When I’ve seen young adults experience him, it’s unmistakable. When the young adult (or any of us) is given space and intention to pay attention to what is happening around them and in them, God is already there.”

Faith for Exiles, David Kinnaman and Mark Matlock

While peak experiences can seem more significant, the everyday encounters with God sustain us. Think of the mountain top and the surrounding landscape. Both are important. The habits and rhythms that children and young people form will create a healthy foundation for their lives. How they connect with God in the ordinary and everyday is an important part of a thriving faith.


Scripture Union was birthed as an organisation on the belief that daily Bible reading is important. All around the world, Scripture Union creates guides and resources to help people of all ages to explore the Bible. Why not provide these for your children and young people or pay a percentage of the costs?

Prayer Resources

  • STRANDZ: the website of the Children + Families ministry in the Anglican Dioceses of New Zealand. This website is a treasure trove of resources, ideas and links.

A wonderful prayer from World Vision NZ