God's Big Story
“By telling the Bible as God’s story, we are engaged in the realization that we belong to something bigger and deeper and older than the here and now.” Tevecca Okholm, ‘Reimagining the Role of Family in Twenty-First Century Family Faith Practices’
Reading vs. Engaging: a great little article, with good advice for how to engage children and young people with the Bible.
Read the Bible if you want to grow: The Bible Society UK produces some great resources and articles.
5 Tips for Reading the Bible in Community: a good reminder that we rest best in the company of others.
Scripture Union Resources
Nua: Produced by Scripture Union Ireland, this is a great series of videos for young people, exploring Jesus, the Bible and what it means to be Christian. Honest conversations! (Ireland). Available through SUNZ.
The Bible Project produce a wonderful collection of videos, podcasts and resources, all for free.