Holy Week in the Home


Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, continues through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, ending with Holy Saturday. It is the most solemn and holy time of the church year. Tenebrae services are traditionally held during this week, and involve the gradual extinguishing of candles ending in total darkness near the end of the service.

One way to help us not lose the significance of Holy Week or indeed Easter Day itself is to observe a week long Tenebrae at home. The following Holy Week Tenebrae will help you learn and experience the story together. We hope this journey through Holy Week will help you focus on the events of the week in preparation for the joy of Easter Day.

There is one card per day of Holy Week.

  • Print them off, punch a hole in one corner and connect them with a piece of twine. Give each family in your church a set.

  • Insert one card a day into a newsletter or Facebook post to families. We have formatted these cards as images, so you can freely share them online.


Instruction Card

Instruction Card #2

Day One: Palm Sunday

Day Two: Monday

Day Three: Tuesday

Day Four: Wednesday

Day Five: Maundy Thursday

Day Six: Good Friday

Day Seven: Holy Saturday

The whole set of cards

This resource uses ideas from The St. Nicolas Centre, Godly Play, and prayers from Common Prayer for Children and Families, Church Publishing Inc. 2019

*More Easter resources